Dáil debates
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Other Questions
Common Agricultural Policy Reform
3:00 pm
Éamon Ó Cuív (Galway West, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
The Minister has stated about 70,000 farmers will gain 86% on their payment. On average, what will this amount to in cash terms? I could gain an increase of 100% if a payment of €1 was increased to €2. Will the Minister also tell me what the average loss of 33% will mean in cash terms? When one receives these figures, it will make it much clearer because percentages can be very deceptive.
The historic payment is based on activity levels in 2000-01 or 2002. Does the Minister accept that there are farmers who receive very high single payments and are only engaged to the minimum extent? They claim the payment but are not producing a great quantity. Does the Minister also accept that there are a large number of farmers who receive high single payments who are renting the land and not actively farming? Does he favour capping payments at a figure of €50,000? What is his attitude to front-loading?
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