Dáil debates

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Topical Issue Debate

Lourdes Hospital Redress Scheme Eligibility

6:05 pm

Photo of Séamus KirkSéamus Kirk (Louth, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Ceann Comhairle for allowing me to raise this matter. The programme for Government includes a specific commitment to seek a mechanism to compensate those women who were excluded on grounds of age alone from the Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital redress scheme. The issue was raised as a topical issue last June, when the then Minister of State, Deputy Róisín Shortall, assured us that the Minister for Health, Deputy James Reilly, was committed to finding a mechanism as soon as possible and intended to bring proposals to Government for its consideration at the earliest opportunity. As is well known, 35 women were excluded from the Lourdes redress scheme on age grounds. It was a decision of the last Government with which I disagree.

The programme for Government and statements by the Minister for Health prior to his appointment and since referred to a strong commitment by the Government to resolve this issue. Since October 2011, there have been meetings and several statements by the Minister to reiterate that the matter is with the Attorney General for her advice. The women and their families have come to the conclusion that no progress has been made whatsoever. They believe all statements to the Dáil on the issue and letters from the Minister to local Deputies and Senators are purely lip service. The women have requested a meeting through the Patient Focus organisation with the Taoiseach and Minister for Health to ensure that this serious issue can be dealt with expeditiously. The women feel totally abandoned by the Government, which is not surprising given the promise prior to the election by the Minister that the matter would be resolved within a year of taking office. The Government will mark its second anniversary in three weeks. Can it undertake to resolve the issue by then?


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