Dáil debates
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Topical Issue Debate
Fuel Rebate Scheme
5:05 pm
Timmy Dooley (Clare, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
I thank the Minister for an open and frank response, which I had expected and which is helpful. A detailed analysis should be done, and when the Department and the Revenue Commissioners examine the issue, they will look at it in the broadest extent. I am sure some of the numbers may appear astronomical when one takes into account the entire fleet of commercial vehicles in the State. Nevertheless, there are ways of achieving the objective, and if necessary there should be consultation with the coach tour operators, including the Coach Tourism and Transport Council of Ireland. Its members are a solid bunch of people who have worked in a very difficult environment, and they understand the Minister's position. I hope a system can be put in place that could meet their needs to the greatest extent possible.
I ask the Minister of State to enter into a dialogue with the group, although I am grateful he has met them already. There was a dialogue with the Irish Road Haulage Association, with toing and froing over a period of 12 months, and now a principle has been established, it should be possible for all sides to formulate a workable solution that does not break the bank. We have got rid of one bank today and we certainly do not want to break another. We can help these people, who are such an integral part of our tourism offering. There is no point in laying a greater layer of fat on what we have done but it is the year of The Gathering, and this would be a helpful measure for all concerned.
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