Dáil debates

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Topical Issue Debate

Septic Tank Registration Scheme

2:50 pm

Photo of Phil HoganPhil Hogan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I accept what the Deputy is saying. There is concern, some of which has stemmed from the irresponsible dissemination of misinformation in certain parts of rural constituencies. I suggest some of the Deputies involved who were serving in government when this case came before the courts and did nothing about it for four years thereafter are responsible for the European Court of Justice ruling which has exposed the State to potential fines on a daily basis, as well as a lump sum fine. A decision in that regard is likely to be made soon. I am conscious that the misinformation I have mentioned is causing many elderly people and low-income families to worry that they will potentially have to make a major financial outlay to carry out remediation works. That will not be the case. If difficulties arise on foot of the inspections that will be carried out, it will be possible to deal with most of them by means of desludging, in the same way that applied when Cavan County Council introduced such a scheme. I am prepared to examine a scheme to assist people in exceptional circumstances, for example, if it costs €3,000 or €4,000 to resolve serious structural issues associated with remediation.


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