Dáil debates
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Topical Issue Debate
Septic Tank Registration Scheme
2:40 pm
Marcella Corcoran Kennedy (Laois-Offaly, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I was prompted to raise this issue as someone who lives in a rural area, a small parish in the foothills of the Slieve Bloom mountains in Offaly, who has a septic tank to deal with waste water. Therefore, I am only too well aware of the importance of ensuring that properly functioning waste water systems are in place. I am also cognisant that the deadline for registration of septic tanks is 1 February 2013. It is because of this I wish to bring this matter to the Minister's attention.
A number of people have contacted me with regard to their concerns that if they are required to carry out remedial works or replace their septic tanks on foot of an inspection, they will not be able to afford that. I am particularly concerned about people on low incomes and the elderly. Clarity in this area has been very difficult to establish, due to the misinformation being circulated by many Opposition Deputies and active campaigning against the registration of septic tanks in many rural areas. This has left people on low incomes and the elderly, whose septic tanks may have been installed decades ago, worried about the costs involved in replacing them if required. Incredible sums have been bandied about, up to €20,000, which I believe is incorrect.
I have always believed this issue is a matter of public health and that it is not be of rural Ireland being under attack again, as many people would have us believe. Most people I know who own a septic tank have it desludged regularly in the interest of its proper functioning, and, more important, in the interest of protecting the water table to ensure there is clean drinking water for everyone. If we have clean drinking water, we have clean water for all other uses, such as for agriculture.
I am aware that three years ago, the European Court of Justice ruled that Ireland had failed to adopt the necessary legislation to comply with Articles 4 and 8 of the EU waste directive relating to domestic waste water being disposed of in the countryside through septic tanks or other waste water systems. This ruling highlighted deficiencies in our legislation regarding the disposal of waste water. I know the Minister has been determined to protect our water, as well as to achieving compliance with the waste water directive. I hope the many years of neglect in dealing with the matter by previous Administrations will not expose our State to EU fines as a result. In fact, there has been quite an amount of hypocrisy involved in this issue, with some people who were in government at the time leading the anti-registration charge over the past year.
I believe a scheme of financial support should be put in place for the upgrading of septic tanks, whether for repair or replacement. As a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht, I know that compliance with the directive has been an issue of concern. This was highlighted to the Minister when this matter was discussed by the committee. The Minister has stated clearly he will keep an open mind on the issue of possible financial support, despite our poor financial situation. I sincerely hope he is making every effort to put such a scheme in place to assist people who need it if and when their tanks are inspected and they need repair or replacement.
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