Dáil debates
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Other Questions
Defence Forces Reserve
2:10 pm
Derek Keating (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I thank the Minister for his comprehensive reply and the information provided. Question No. 18 in my name deals with a similar issue. I am sure that in due course the Minister will provide me with the figures in relation to the involvement of the Reserve Defence Force at local level. I have raised this issue because I am acutely aware, as I know the Minister is, of the major role played by the Reserve Defence Force, in particular with Civil Defence, in the front-line services which it provides.
I believe they are the best in the world at what they do. I ask the Minister to consider conducting a review of the Reserve Defence Force to determine how we can utilise them, as a voluntary body of men and women, to provide leadership training, promote community awareness and team work, as well as the development of a social conscience for many young men and women who may not have considered joining up to now. This could be done effectively and in a very cost-effective manner. I became more aware of the potential of the Reserve Defence Force recently through meeting a constituent of mine who is a doctor of science in Trinity College, a non-commissioned officer in the reserve and a fitness instructor in her barracks. She outlined to me how she has gained invaluable experience as a member of the reserve and the voluntary work she has undertaken with them has really helped her to grow as a person. It is based on that experience that I ask the Minister to consider this option.
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