Dáil debates

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Topical Issue Debate

Leader Programmes

2:40 pm

Photo of John O'MahonyJohn O'Mahony (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister of State for the answer but the problem I have is that there is no timeline. The basic question that required an answer was whether the backlog would be cleared and whether new applications would be opened up soon in order that all the money that can be drawn down is made available. It is important that this issue is clarified for the sake of confidence in the Leader programme and for the sake of the new projects and the communities in the region. I understand Cabinet meetings are under way today and I thank the Minister for State for taking the debate, but I am keen to know when clarification will be published.

Have other investigations like this taken place elsewhere in the country? If so, have they taken as long as this? It is important that everything is absolutely above board but it is also important that allocated funding is made available and can be applied for. Communities are depending on this.

I noted earlier that innuendo has been flying around about who was responsible for whistleblowing and so on.

While the Minister of State may not be able to clarify the matter now, it is important it is clarified because some of the rumours I have heard are untrue. It is important that the truth is established and that the funding is made available as soon as possible. I ask the Minister of State to seek answers to my questions and to revert to me at a later stage if possible.


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