Dáil debates

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Topical Issue Matters


5:40 pm

Photo of Seán BarrettSeán Barrett (Dún Laoghaire, Ceann Comhairle) | Oireachtas source

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Seamus Healy - the need to ensure housing support is provided for a person with one child who is living with their parents; (2) Deputy Willie Penrose - the urgency for the HSE to honour agreements and commitments made to home helps in 2009 and, more particularly, to engage with the Labour Court in accordance with recommendation No. LCR 20312 of 29 June 2012 in order to finalise an agreement; (3) Deputy Michael McNamara - public order offences and violence in Ennis, County Clare; (4) Deputy Brendan Griffin - the advice given to persons in Saorsat areas regarding TV equipment; (5) Deputy Alan Farrell - the funding crisis in Irish soccer; (6) Deputy Michael P. Kitt - the rules and regulations in respect of community employment schemes, rural social schemes and Tús schemes in relation to community projects; (7) Deputy Timmy Dooley - the provision of funding for a new day care centre at Carrigorran House, Newmarket on Fergus, County Clare; (8) Deputy Colm Keaveney - the need to provide a 24-7 ambulance service in Tuam, County Galway; (9) Deputy John Lyons - the need to improve maternity services for patients at the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin; (10) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - the need to address cystic fibrosis services on the northside of Dublin; (11) Deputy Noel Harrington - the imminent closure by the Courts Service of the courthouses in Kinsale, Skibbereen and Clonakility, County Cork; (12) Deputy Niall Collins - the repatriation of a convicted murderer as discussed on "Prime Time" last week; (13) Deputy Billy Kelleher - the need to publish the Dolphin report on locations for the national children's hospital; (14) Deputy Tom Hayes - the need to consider the fast-tracking of medical card applications for cancer patients and automatic issuance for the terminally ill, through a dedicated unit within the medical card section; (15) Deputy Ciarán Lynch - the improvement of the residential property price register by the inclusion of readily available information such as whether the property is a house or an apartment, the number of bedrooms, the square footage, the site area and the local authority area; (16) Deputy Clare Daly - the need for road safety improvements in the light of the tragic deaths of six people over the weekend; (17) Deputy Dessie Ellis - the continued risks to residents in the Gleann Riada estate, Longford; (18) Deputy Joan Collins - the cessation by Dublin City Council of works under the disability adaptions scheme 2012 owing to a lack of funding; (19) Deputy Mick Wallace - the recruitment plans of Bord Gáis for Irish Water for the remainder of 2012; (20) Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett - the effect of new Teaching Council regulations on teachers without degrees who have been working for the VEC for many years; (21) Deputy Jonathan O'Brien - the cuts that have impacted on the Holy Family school in Charleville, County Cork and the implications for children with disabilities attending the school.

The matters raised by Deputies Tom Hayes, Willie Penrose, Michael P. Kitt and Dessie Ellis have been selected for discussion.


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