Dáil debates

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Freedom of Information

4:00 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael)

I speak from this position as Taoiseach and Head of Government and my personal views are completely irrelevant. I speak from here about Cabinet responsibility and decisions, and in that sense it is my duty to let the Deputy know that the line Minister has done a great deal of work on this and will respond to the Private Members' Bill on Friday. It is not a case of an individual Minister having a view about what may be included in expanding the remit of the Freedom of Information Act. The Government will make a decision and explain it to the Deputy and everybody else when it is delivered by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

We intend to deliver on what is in the programme for Government and put these Acts back doing what they were supposed to prior to 2003. The Act will also be extended to a number of other public bodies. The Government will make a collective decision on the matter, so it is not a question of anybody's individual focus on an organisation or public body.


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