Dáil debates
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Children in Care
5:00 pm
Frances Fitzgerald (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael)
Section 45 of the Child Care Act 1991 places a statutory duty on the HSE to form a view on to each person leaving care as to whether there is a need for assistance and, if it forms such a view, to provide services in accordance with the legislation and subject to resources. All young people who have had a care history with the HSE, be it foster care, residential care, high support care or special care are entitled to an after care service based on their assessed needs.
Where a young person turns 18 years of age, it is policy within the HSE for him or her to remain in his or her placement and receive full support to complete his or her leaving certificate examination. In the case of separated children seeking asylum, on reaching 18 years of age these young people transfer to adult services operated on behalf of the Department of Justice and Equality.
Recently a small number of cases have been brought to my attention where consideration was being given to the transfer of a young person from residential placements with a private provider to alternative accommodation. The young person involved is in a leaving certificate year and I am concerned that this important consideration needs to be addressed.
In particular, relocation some distance away would necessitate a change in school and this would clearly conflict with supporting the young person with his or her exam preparations. I have discussed the matter with the national director of the HSE and have asked him to review the cases with a view to providing continuity in education for the young person in preparation for the leaving certificate.
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