Dáil debates

Thursday, 20 October 2011

5:00 pm

Photo of Phil HoganPhil Hogan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael)

A robust system of controls does exist. That is why Dublin City Council has been trying for two years to oblige the developer involved in this case to carry out certain works in order to ensure the building met fire compliance standards. The developer chose to ignore the council's directions in this regard. As a result, the latter had no option but to take the matter before the courts in August 2010. I appreciate the courts system is somewhat slow. However, the local authority, which has a devolved function in this case, acted as quickly as possible. I expect it will publish the report in three weeks' time.

As the Deputy is aware, the unfortunate residents who have been caught up in this situation through no fault of their own are in temporary accommodation. NAMA has made a schedule of properties known to Dublin City Council, not the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, in respect of this matter. I will continue to do everything in my power to facilitate the actions undertaken by the council to provide, in so far as is possible, the residents with assistance in order that they might overcome the trauma which has been visited upon them. I will also do everything in my power to ensure the developer who caused this problem will be brought to book and that the High Court proceedings, which are ongoing, will be concluded as quickly as possible in order that there might be certainty with regard to improvements required in respect of this particular building. We must ensure the families involved will be able to return to permanent, independent living accommodation as quickly as possible.


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