Dáil debates

Thursday, 20 October 2011

4:00 pm

Photo of Willie PenroseWillie Penrose (Longford-Westmeath, Labour)

The recently published statutory housing needs assessment showed an increase in the overall level of need to somewhat more than 98,000 households. The assessment breaks down housing need under several headings to identify those whose need arises, for example, from unsuitable existing accommodation, age or special needs resulting from physical or mental incapacity. A notable feature of the current assessment is the number of households whose identified need arises from their no longer being able to afford their own accommodation. This equates to some 67% of households in need, which is clearly a reflection of the current economic circumstances.

A new approach to assessing need is now being implemented resulting from regulations which came into effect after the current assessment was concluded. In time, this will provide a more consistent, objective and timely system for the assessment of need. This new system includes a standardised set of eligibility criteria designed to bring greater equity and transparency to the assessment process. While these new regulations are now in force it will be some time before data on housing need are accumulated under the new system of assessment. I will keep the new system under review and I will make any further adjustments required in light of experience to ensure it delivers a timely and robust assessment of need on an ongoing basis. In that regard, I have already increased the eligibility criteria in respect of income by €5,000 in each case. While this will have the effect of further increasing demand for social housing, it is beneficial in providing for a broader based and more sustainable approach to identifying and addressing social housing need.


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