Dáil debates

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

4:00 pm

Photo of Brendan GriffinBrendan Griffin (Kerry South, Fine Gael)

I thank the Minister of State for his response with the very welcome news that the 2012 finance Bill should include measures to address the problem. Those who are involved in this are not just people who are struggling, and trying to make a living and to make a few quid on the side; some very dark criminal elements are organising tobacco smuggling. As the Minister of State mentioned enormous profits are being made and I understand some criminal elements have moved entirely into the cigarette smuggling business from illegal drugs because of the profits to be made. So we are dealing with very serious criminals and I am grateful that measures will be taken to address the problem.

The Minister of State referred to the two existing scanners. However, unfortunately they can be monitored. The criminal organisations involved have people who can sit and watch the scanners being moved. Full-time scanners at our ports would be advantageous. I hope that matter can be revisited. The European Hercules fund could be used to reduce the cost to the Exchequer.

Those watching this debate or reading the Official Report, who might have consumed or purchased illegal tobacco products, should understand that they are not getting one over on the State.


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