Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


General Medical Services Contracts

3:00 pm

Photo of James ReillyJames Reilly (Dublin North, Fine Gael)

The HSE has been clear in respect of its pursuit of consultants who are in breach of their contracts in terms of the 80%-20% split. A number of consultants will be prevented from engaging in private practice, which means, not that they will not be able to see private patients but that they will not be able to charge them. I am given to understand this may be challenged in the courts by the HCA. So be it. Those in the next tranche who are found to be transgressing will also be pursued. It is not acceptable to me or the Government that a small number of our 2,500 consultants are behaving in an utterly unacceptable manner and are not alone being unfair to patients but are casting a slur on the remainder of their colleagues.

The Deputy can be assured that my Department and the HSE will not yield on this matter. We are going to pursue it.


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