Dáil debates

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Special Educational Needs: Motion (Resumed)


6:00 pm

Photo of Joe HigginsJoe Higgins (Dublin West, Socialist Party)

What we see at present is but the diseased financial system that are the European financial markets? The gamblers and speculators therein, faceless, unaccountable and unelectable, are given such enormous power by the political establishments in all the countries of the European Union that they dictate economic policy, including savage cuts in society such as services to children with special needs. Members of the Labour Party will troop into the lobbies and bend the knee to this economic dictatorship.

The Government has a choice. It is the choice to say it will not implement this rotten system but will fight it and change the financial system by demanding that the financial institutions are brought under public ownership and the democratic control of the people of Ireland and Europe and the economy remade in order that resources are not used for gambling and private profiteering but for investment in social objectives for society and the creation of tens of thousands of jobs here and millions of jobs in Europe. This is how we recreate and remake a society that can afford the services we need, whether in health or education or to take care of our more vulnerable children. That is the choice. Unfortunately, the Government has chosen to continue to worship the dictatorial market system, the result of which is what is happening to our children and services.


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