Dáil debates

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

2:00 pm

Photo of Deirdre CluneDeirdre Clune (Cork South Central, Fine Gael)

My question referred to viable small businesses. The reality is that an examinership process is not available to small businesses because of the excessive costs and lengthy court times associated with it. We are not talking about complete reform of our bankruptcy system - even though it is stuck in the dark ages - rather some type of flexible arrangement that can be introduced without delay This is about saving jobs. Last year more than 1,200 small businesses closed, if my figures are up to date. I heard another Minister say on the radio some time ago that this is not a priority for the Government. It should be a priority to support viable small businesses. In Britain and Northern Ireland there are more flexible arrangements in place. As it stands, the cost of the examinership process is excessive.


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