Dáil debates

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Tributes to Head Usher of the Houses of the Oireachtas


10:30 am

Photo of Séamus KirkSéamus Kirk (Louth, Ceann Comhairle)

Before coming to the Order of Business, I draw the attention of the House to a particular matter. Today represents the last day in which the Head Usher, Mr. Shay Byrne, will play a part in the proceedings of this House, having served the Houses and its Members for more than 38 years. Shay commenced his working career in the Houses of the Oireachtas in April 1973. He has been a quiet observer of many changes during the years, witnessing the euphoria of elections and the hard realities of defeat of Government and Members alike.

Shay has looked after the interests and needs of all Members with courtesy and respect. Any problem needing attention or requests for assistance were dealt with quietly. Regardless of the problems, there were always solutions. Shay's ability to attain the highest level in the usher grade is a testament to his abilities as a communicator and his dedication to and pride in his work. I take this opportunity to wish Shay and his colleague, Liam Lynch, who following ten years of dedicated service also retires today from the ranks of parliamentary usher, well. I wish them the best for the future. May they both enjoy many years of happy retirement.


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