Dáil debates

Thursday, 7 October 2010

5:00 pm

Photo of John MoloneyJohn Moloney (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)

It gets better. The study goes on to state that links and loops between and into these major corridors should also be considered in the context of developing an integrated network of national extent. The study highlights the particular benefits if such links make use of existing infrastructure. It also provides a focus for the development of a national cycle network.

Deputy Bannon has described what Longford has to offer in terms of amenities, sporting facilities, natural resources and scenic landscapes. Smarter travel and sustainable transport are important. Cycling routes have great potential for increasing mobility and accessibility and providing a real alternative to car journeys. The most important aspect of the plan is that by 2020, in ten years time, the Minister for Transport - whom I quietly expect to be still in office then - will be able to say the 10% has been achieved.


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