Dáil debates

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Ministerial Responsibilities

3:00 am

Photo of John CurranJohn Curran (Dublin Mid West, Fianna Fail)

I will begin with the last point. There is a range of statutory instruments under section 25. I will outline the first to give the Deputy a flavour and the rest are included in the longer answer. SI 909 of 2005, the Statistics (Business Registers) Order 2005, is a regulation which provides for the conduct of the CSO's annual survey of business demography. The primary purpose of the survey is provide estimates of the number of enterprises and the number of persons engaged. It also provides information on the enterprise life cycle and the total number of enterprises on the business register and the number of new enterprises and closures. The business register which is updated by this survey is a central part of the CSO's overall system of business statistics.

That is one statutory instrument and there are a good number of others. If the Deputy wishes me to read them all into the record, I will do so.


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