Dáil debates

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2009 [Seanad]: Second Stage


7:00 am

Photo of James BannonJames Bannon (Longford-Westmeath, Fine Gael)

The issue of child care and the lack of such care is evident all around us. Unfortunately, most of the exposure on the issue in the media is of the bleaker, more violent and abusive aspects of childhood for many children. While we all aspire to an ideal of child care and protection, reality is far from the ideal outcome described in the textbooks. This Bill proposes to amend the Child Care Act 1991 and the Children Act 2001.

Given the problems with child care in this State, such an amendment would not be before time. Now that it is before us, it fails to meet the more pressing needs relating to child care and this is most frustrating for those engaged in this sector.


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