Dáil debates

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

12:00 pm

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin South, Green Party)

Section 33 of the Broadcasting Act 2009 provides for the making of a levy order by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland for the purposes of meeting the expenses of the authority and its committees in undertaking the performance of its statutory functions. As I have made clear in my replies to previous questions on this issue, the setting of the levy is a matter for the authority and not one in which I have a direct function.

In addition, in accordance with section 37 of the Act, the setting of the budget for the BAI for any particular year is a matter for the authority. While the legislation makes provision for the Minister to be able to specify the form the estimates should take and any additional information as may be needed, it does not require the estimates to be submitted for specific ministerial approval. The budget for 2010 was set by the BAI at €7.6 million at its meeting in December 2009.

As I also have previously stated, the BAI has indicated that the need for an increased budget over those previously provided for under the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland is as a result of the increased role given by the Oireachtas to the BAI. While the BAI has taken over the functions of the BCI and the Broadcasting Complaints Commission, BCC, it has also been given a range of new functions in addition to those held by its predecessors, mainly in respect of public service broadcasting and the provision of digital broadcasting services. The BAI has also indicated that the extent to which any budget is expended will depend on the level of activity of the organisation in any one year.

The BAI has confirmed that it will discharge its functions in a cost effective manner and is conscious of not imposing an undue burden on the broadcasting sector. In this context, section 32(4) of the Broadcasting Act requires the authority to ensure that regulation by it and the statutory committees does not involve the imposition or maintenance of unnecessary administrative burdens.

I have made clear to the authority the need to be vigilant about keeping costs down, particularly in the current economic climate. The authority has requested the chief executive to review the detail of the 2010 budget with a view to reducing it where possible and the chief executive will shortly report to the authority on this.

In accordance with section 37(7) of the Act, any 2010 Revised Estimate of income and expenditure approved by the authority will be published on the BAI's website with my consent and that of the Minister for Finance. The authority has also asked the chief executive to review its proposed expenditure throughout 2010 continuously with the aim of reducing it where possible. In accordance with section 33 of the Act, any surplus of levy income over expenditure in a given year shall be offset against future levies or refunded, as appropriate.

In addition, the chief executive met commercial radio broadcasters last week to discuss the levy and the 2010 budget and sought to address any issues and concerns that these stakeholders may have had on this issue. I understand that the chief executive has undertaken to have a further meeting with the commercial radio broadcasters once the budget review mentioned has been completed to the satisfaction of the authority.


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