Dáil debates

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


National Drugs Strategy.

3:00 pm

Photo of John CurranJohn Curran (Dublin Mid West, Fianna Fail)

I disagree with the Deputy when he states that nothing is being done. As I noted, every flight into a private airport is regulated and monitored. The customs service, based on its information, decides on whether to perform a check. This is a small island nation and the risk is as great from the sea. I note that seizures made in this regard have been made at sea rather than at airports. The only way in which we will deal with this issue from a supply reduction point of view is through improved international co-operation. In that regard, I advise the Deputy that the Garda's liaison officers are based in London, the Hague, Madrid, Paris, Lisbon, Europol and Interpol. As one cannot patrol every seaport and airport on a permanent basis, the manner in which one can achieve an effective supply reduction is through such intelligence and information sharing.


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