Dáil debates

Thursday, 9 October 2008

10:30 am

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael)

I agree with Deputy Gilmore. The matter of parliamentary questions for written reply not being taken on Tuesday next was not discussed with the Whips. Perhaps the Minister will indicate if the position is different.

As the Taoiseach noted yesterday, there will be a defining moment next week. The budget will be introduced on Tuesday and the Taoiseach will be travelling to Brussels on Wednesday to engage in a softening up exercise in respect of the European governments regarding the aftermath of the referendum on the Lisbon treaty. We understand that it may be the Government's intention to introduce the scheme on Wednesday afternoon next. Clarification is required in respect of this matter. While it is absolutely necessary to bring the scheme before the House, Wednesday would be the wrong day on which to do so. I informed the Taoiseach yesterday that if the Government wants to arrange a sitting for Friday, Saturday or Monday, the Opposition parties will facilitate its wishes in that regard.

We recognise the importance of this matter. We also recognise the importance of our being in a position to ask the necessary questions so that the scheme might, in the national interest, be properly framed. We should be made aware of the Government's intentions. It would not be right to take this important legislation on the day following the introduction of the budget when the Taoiseach will be in Brussels. Will the Minister clarify the position and indicate why parliamentary questions for written reply will not be taken on Tuesday? I understand that the latter issue was not discussed at yesterday's meeting of the Whips.


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