Dáil debates

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Dublin Transport Authority Bill 2008 [Seanad]: Report Stage


5:00 pm

Photo of Noel DempseyNoel Dempsey (Meath West, Fianna Fail)

Deputy O'Dowd made the original suggestion in respect of this matter. As drafted, the Bill merely indicated that subsidiaries might be established. The Deputy made a strong case in respect of ensuring that subsidiaries could not remain in operation for an indefinite period without a review of their activities being carried out. These amendment represent an honest attempt to try to meet his concerns.

The one thing every organisation must do is produce an annual report, which is then used for the purposes of invigilating in respect of various matters, etc. Annual reports are used by companies in the financial sector and also by the Oireachtas.

The Deputy will recall our discussion on whether to do it every three or five years. Arising from those discussions, the annual report is a mechanism whereby a committee of this House can at any stage draw attention to the subsidiary if it is not sufficiently reported or if it should not be there. It is also useful from a departmental point of view because it is a means by which we can judge the efficiency or effectiveness of a subsidiary. It is a beginning and I think it will be effective. The Department and the Oireachtas will both have opportunities to conduct reviews.


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