Dáil debates

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

4:00 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael)

I am not privy to these discussions and I do not know what advice was given. Perhaps they should continue to meet on a regular basis because it could be of advantage to those of us who sit over here.

What is the Taoiseach's view of the economic conference in the North? The European People's Party, with which Fine Gael is aligned, believes tax competition is the way forward, yet a number of business people would argue that it is difficult to attract foreign direct investment to Northern Ireland while its corporation tax rate is much higher than ours. Did the Taoiseach discuss that matter with the Prime Minister and does the latter continue to hold an entrenched view? He was previously completely opposed to giving special tax designation to Northern Ireland on the basis that the island could develop as an economic entity.

Deputy Crawford has on a number of occasions raised a matter of considerable interest to him. Apparently, Irish taxpayers are to fund a motorway in the Six Counties which will narrow to a single carriageway once it enters the Republic. Did the Taoiseach take an interest in that and what will be the outcome of the matter as he sees it?

As we have said on many occasions in respect of the decision which will be made on the Lisbon treaty on 12 June, the issues raised have covered a broad spectrum of truth and untruth. I ask the Taoiseach to reaffirm a fact that I know myself, namely, that the treaty is not self-amending.


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