Dáil debates

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

1:00 pm

Photo of Liz McManusLiz McManus (Wicklow, Labour)

Has the Minister any sympathy for the poor unfortunate motorist who is suffering a double whammy? The Government is responsible for a range of delays in public transport projects and has not provided the necessary public transport infrastructure. Many motorists do not have the choice to take public transport. On the other hand, the cost of petrol is rising at a staggering rate, and more importantly the cost of diesel has outstripped it.

Surely the Minister is concerned about this change, particularly with his emphasis on more energy efficiency. There is also the importance of using energy resources that create less carbon emissions. Through the tax system motorists are encouraged to opt for diesel vehicles. However, filling up on diesel costs more than petrol, the more environmentally damaging fuel.

The Minister cannot simply throw up his hands claiming he has no role in this matter. Why does he not call in the oil companies to discover what happened to the price of diesel? How about getting the Commission on Energy Regulation on board? Issues have arisen that are the Minister's responsibility which must be addressed. Organisations such as the AA, have raised the regional disparity in fuel costs and the difference between petrol and diesel costs which are, or should be, the Minister's concern. Whatever big plans or strategies the Minister has, they are in the future. What is happening must be of concern to the Minister.


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