Dáil debates

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

8:00 pm

Photo of Seán HaugheySeán Haughey (Dublin North Central, Fianna Fail)

I thank the Deputies for giving me the opportunity to outline my Department's position regarding the provision of a new school premises at the location referred to by them. The proposed project involves the construction of a new two-storey eight classroom generic repeat design school, preceded by associated decanting works to facilitate the main project. Planning permission and a fire certificate have been obtained and the tender report for the project is being examined by my Department's building unit.

Under the National Development Plan €4.5 billion is assigned to the capital requirements of the primary and post-primary sectors. More than €540 million will be spent this year on school buildings. The level of construction alone in the primary and post-primary sectors in 2007 is such that it will deliver more than 700 classrooms to provide permanent accommodation for approximately 17,500 pupils. The progression of all large-scale building projects from initial design stage through to construction is considered on an on-going basis in the context of my Department's multi-annual school building and modernisation programme in which the main focus is to deliver school places within rapidly developing areas. The progression of the school referred to by the Deputies will be considered in this context, as is the case with all large-scale projects.

I assure the Deputies that the Department is committed to providing suitable high quality accommodation for the school in question at the earliest possible date.


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