Dáil debates

Thursday, 8 November 2007

4:00 pm

Photo of Tom KittTom Kitt (Dublin South, Fianna Fail)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 9, 13, 15, 26, 34, 36 and 38 together.

On 25 September 2007, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 1778 establishing a multidimensional UN mission in Chad and in the Central African Republic that will help strengthen security in the region. The resolution stipulated that the multidimensional presence would consist of (i) a new United Nations mission in Chad and the Central African Republic, to be known as MINURCAT, with a mandate focusing on the security and protection of civilians — particularly refugees, internally displaced persons and civilians in danger — and on human rights and the rule of law in eastern Chad and the north-eastern region of the Central African Republic; and (ii) troops deployed by the European Union with robust authorisation to protect and support it.

The operation on which the EU is engaged is designed to provide for the creation of a safe and secure area for refugees and internally displaced persons and to allow for the distribution of humanitarian aid. The nature of the operation is fully in accordance with Ireland's traditional policy of support for and participation in peace support operations, our close engagement in Africa and our support for the United Nations, which has authorised the proposed deployment of the peacekeeping troops.

Following Government and Dáil approval last month, acting Lieutenant General Pat Nash has taken up the position of operation commander of the EU military operation with four support staff at EU operational headquarters at Mont Valérien, Paris, France. A further six Defence Forces personnel were deployed late last month, following Government approval, for service at the headquarters of the EU operation. These staff will assist in ensuring the timely preparation and development of operational and logistical plans, rules of engagement, operational concepts etc. for the operation, which are currently being prepared.

A report on the proposed operation, following a detailed reconnaissance of the mission area and tasking, together with a threat assessment, is currently being completed. This will inform the final decision on the nature of our participation and the requirements in terms of force protection and other defence assets, should the Government decide to deploy troops on the ground in Chad. Subject to a satisfactory assessment, the Irish Defence Force contribution is expected to be in the region of 350 to 400 personnel.

The proposed EU force could comprise up to 4,000 personnel, the most significant element of which will be a French contribution. The force generation process to meet the EU operation commander's requirements to conduct the mission is currently under way. Other contributors currently include Sweden, Spain, Poland, Finland and Belgium. It is anticipated that further contributors to this mission will indicate their position at the force generation conference that will be held in Brussels tomorrow.

I understand that all troop-contributing nations will provide a role 1 medical facility. This medical support includes the capability to provide first aid, immediate lifesaving measures and triage. Planning arrangements are under way at EU level for the provision of higher levels of medical facilities, with appropriate ground and air MedEvac capabilities.

The Defence Forces are examining a range of support provisions, such as leave, postal arrangements, telephone and Internet access, which would be put in place for Irish troops should the Government decide to deploy a contingent to the EU operation.

As the planning for the mission is currently ongoing, I am not in a position to state categorically the details of logistical support for, and the projected costs of, the possible Defence Forces participation in the EU operation. However, in respect of the costs of the overall EU operation and the proposed Irish deployment as part of this operation, I can say that these will be significant. Given the isolation of the mission area and difficulty with the land routes — Chad is landlocked and nearly 2,000 km from the nearest port facility — the deployment and sustainment of the operation will have to be mainly by air. In addition, the provision of suitably equipped sites and airstrips will also be required. More information on equipment requirements and logistical support will be available when the report of the reconnaissance mission is provided to the Minister for Defence. The Government will be advised accordingly when the formal decision on participation in the force is presented for consideration.

Expenditure to date on preparations for possible Defence Forces participation in the mission has been limited. The financing of the operation will be dealt with in the context of the Estimates process, which is currently ongoing.

The Minister expects to bring proposals to Government shortly and, subject to the approval of the Government, to put the matter before Dáil Éireann before the end of November. Obviously, any decision to participate will be subject to the approval of Dáil Éireann in accordance with the Defence Acts. I apologise for the length of the reply but there were seven questions involved.


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