Dáil debates

Thursday, 28 June 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Noel DempseyNoel Dempsey (Meath West, Fianna Fail)

I understand the Commission for Taxi Regulation is currently completing an assessment of the submissions received on its recent consultation paper on vehicle standards for small public service vehicles. The paper incorporated a number of proposed changes in vehicle specifications and standards, including in the area of accessibility. I also understand the commission has commenced a regulatory impact assessment on these proposals and continues to liaise with key stakeholders and will publish vehicle specifications for small public service vehicles before the end of 2007.

While this process of public consultation is under way, my Department is in discussion with the commission about an outline proposal for a draft subsidy scheme to assist with the purchase of wheelchair accessible taxis and hackneys. The proposal is to provide assistance with the purchase of a fully accessible small public service vehicle, the design for which is being developed by the commission. It is proposed that this fully accessible vehicle will meet the needs of many people including those with a broad range of disabilities and those who need to travel in their wheelchairs.

Pending completion of the consultation process and the receipt of definite information regarding the revised accessible vehicle specification and associated costs, I am not in a position to make a final decision on the subsidy scheme proposal.


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