Dáil debates

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

10:30 am

Photo of Pat RabbittePat Rabbitte (Dublin South West, Labour)

The House is entitled to see the terms of the agreements entered into with the Independent Deputies. It does not matter, except to highlight the foolishness of the Deputies concerned, if the Taoiseach is correct in saying the agreements are encompassed in the national development plan or Transport 21 and that the concessions are to be granted in any event. Whatever is the case, the House is entitled to see the terms of those agreements. We will continue to pursue the matter with the Taoiseach until he lays them before the House.

During the interview, Deputy Flynn added that the deal was confidential. She stated:

I know the Mayo electorate will see it as very generous. I cannot comment any further about what is contained in the deal at this time but I am really delighted and I fully trust Bertie Ahern to deliver as promised.


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