Dáil debates

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Brian CowenBrian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)

There are various rates of tax in existence and I refer to the rate of 0% on foodstuffs which is an important protection for Irish consumers and a rate which is not available in every other jurisdiction in the EU.

The question refers to a programme for Government commitment specifically in respect of environmental goods and services. It is in such a context that the examination will take place. It will be limited, being directed at that commitment, with no wider review envisaged. These are matters for consideration at the time of every budget. I continue to emphasise that it is not merely a case of asking why we should not change specific rates. There are considerations to do with EU law on VAT with which we must comply. The area is very technical and requires expert advice before one makes any moves.


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