Dáil debates

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Brian CowenBrian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)

May I reply to the assertions made in this question? The Deputy suggested that I was an opponent of the establishment of the commission on taxation. That is groundless. I negotiated with others the terms of the programme for Government that was unanimously adopted by the parliamentary party and I welcomed that vote of confidence. The suggestion by Deputy Burton that I opposed this commission is totally at variance with the facts since I negotiated its establishment. We have not had a commission on taxation for more than 30 years and I felt it would be timely to set up one. I would also point to the previous budgets and Finance Bills I have introduced into this House that have greatly assisted working families, to a much greater extent than was done by any of my predecessors, as the facts show in terms of disposable income and those who now pay tax, and the fact that capital taxes now pay almost four times more as a percentage of total tax revenue than when the Labour Party was in government. I could go on all evening but I do not have time because I want to answer some questions. I disabuse the Deputy of all those notions, wherever they came from.

I will bring forward proposals on the membership of the commission. I must discuss the matter with my advisers and officials to decide on the best thing to do. They are good, qualified people who are competent to do this work. I will then go to Government and when Government makes a decision I will come to the House to be held accountable for it all.


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