Dáil debates
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Departmental Bodies.
3:00 pm
Brian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)
The programme for Government contains certain commitments in the area of taxation policy, including a commitment to establish a commission on taxation that will have a wide remit to consider the structure of the taxation system. It will be charged specifically with considering and making recommendations. For example, it will examine the balance achieved between taxes collected on income, capital and spending and report thereon; review all tax expenditures with a view to recommending the discontinuation of those that are unjustifiable on cost-benefit grounds; and consider options for the future financing of local government. Furthermore, in the context of maintaining a strong economy, the commission will investigate fiscal measures to protect and enhance the environment, including the introduction of a carbon levy or tax.
I will bring proposals to Government in the near future on matters relating to the establishment of the proposed commission, including its membership and terms of reference. Pending consideration by the Government of these proposals, I am not in a position to elaborate further on matters pertaining to the commission or its work programme.
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