Dáil debates

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Brian CowenBrian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)

The purpose will be to encourage changed behaviour and the greater utilisation of more energy-efficient means of providing goods and services as a means of contributing towards greater energy conservation and raising public awareness of the importance of avoiding unnecessary energy use. That is the background to the review.

I am aware that Mr. Gordon Brown, in his capacity as British Chancellor of the Exchequer, has written to the EU Commission suggesting that it formulate a proposal whereby member states might apply reduced rates of VAT to energy-efficient products and energy-saving materials as an incentive for the private consumer to make more sustainable decisions.

I have no difficulty with the Commission examining such an approach and introducing proposals to the ECOFIN Council on the matter. It is in line with such efforts to establish policy initiatives. Upon examination, what can be done to facilitate far greater use of such technologies will be done.


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