Dáil debates

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Communications Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage


9:00 am

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)

I will try to make the most of them.

I recognise what the Minister has said about all the amendments. For some unknown reason we seem to be burdened with a vast amount of legislation, regulations, statutory instruments and protections of all descriptions which are deemed to serve the needs of the consumer, but they have not done so. This is the kernel of the problem. The legislation and regulation exist but they do not suffice for some unknown reason. They do not kick in when they are supposed to and if they do, they are ineffective. When those of us in opposition are asked to explain what we are doing about the situation, we explain we are doing all we can do in the House because we must bring the matter to the attention of the Minister and the Minister replies that it is already provided for. I do not want to repeat what I said earlier but I am not sure that it is provided for or that the system works adequately. Obstacles continually arise in respect of the delivery of services. I wish to emphasise that customers deserve some degree of service and that they have a right to harbour reasonable expectations when entering into contracts. Operators inform their customers that if they do not pay, the service will be discontinued. What is the position when, through no fault of the customer, the service disappears?

The Minister is aware of the problems that exist. These amendments, if accepted, would prove helpful.


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