Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Gerard MurphyGerard Murphy (Cork North West, Fine Gael)

As the Minister has been aware for some time, this issue has created considerable controversy in the Baile Bhuirne area where the former De La Salle college was an Irish language school. It has been accepted by those who teach Irish that a special Irish language education college would be of tremendous benefit to the teaching of Irish. We spend substantial resources trying to ensure as many people as possible speak Irish but the end result is not particularly positive. Consistent improvements in teaching methods are required to ensure children receive the best possible tuition in Irish and continue to speak the language when they leave school.

Opening an Irish language teacher training centre in the former De La Salle college would be of tremendous benefit to a Gaeltacht area which people have traditionally visited to perfect their Irish language skills. I urge the Minister to encourage his ministerial colleagues to ensure this proposed project comes to fruition. Visiting the building recently during a trip to County Cork, Deputy Kenny gave a clear commitment that the proposal will be implemented immediately after a change of Government.


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