Dáil debates

Thursday, 14 December 2006

7:00 pm

Photo of Michael McDowellMichael McDowell (Dublin South East, Progressive Democrats)

As I told the Deputy a thousand times, the law is in place, gardaí testify in the cases and oppose bail, yet they constantly find people who have been charged with serious offences are granted bail. I strongly contend that the practice is wrong and must be addressed.

A misleading account was given to the Irish public today about the provisions of section 15A of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 on the minimum mandatory sentence. It is not the case that a plea of guilty entitles one to a discount and it is emphatically stated in the Act that being a drug addict is not grounds for a discount. It is not true that anything other than wholly exceptional and specific circumstances can justify a decision by a judge to deviate from the minimum mandatory sentence. The judge can only do so where he comes to the view that it would be unjust to apply such a sentence.


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