Dáil debates
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Air Services.
1:00 pm
Brian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)
This incident heightened sensitivity on the part of Revenue, and I am sure it has acted accordingly, although I do not have that information.
The Revenue Commissioners are conducting a review of approval conditions attached to licensed aerodromes, and they are also concentrating on risks in the operation of, and procedures at, such aerodromes. They are focusing mainly on smaller licensed aerodromes such as Weston, and those regional aerodromes where controls are currently being carried out by special compliance teams that, as part of their duties, deal with the smuggling of prohibited goods such as drugs.
All the available evidence from customs administrations worldwide indicates the most effective means of detecting drug smuggling is concentrating on the development and gathering of information and intelligence and employing targeted interventions as a consequence. As soon as we have the conclusions of the report, I am sure they can be acted on.
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