Dáil debates

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

1:00 pm

Paul McGrath (Westmeath, Fine Gael)

Can the Minister say how many of the total number of workers make returns? If he does not have the figure can he come back with an answer?

The Minister said people could download details of their credits from a computer but that only applies to a limited number of people. The people at the margins who pay tax but cannot afford to pay accountants are losing out. Those who employ accountants will do very well and receive all their tax credits. Some become so expert in tax credits they pay no tax at all, even if they have income of more than €1 million per annum. The Minister must reach the ordinary middle class people so that they can receive their just entitlements and not overpay tax.

The Minister forgot to deal with the question on the look-back in respect of claims for tax credits.


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