Dáil debates
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Disability Act 2005: Motion
5:00 pm
Kathleen Lynch (Cork North Central, Labour)
I appreciate very much the speed at which the plans have come before the Dáil after being in committee last week.
During the entire debate on the Disability Act 2005 as it now stands, people felt the lead in time was too long, and that to have it spread over six Departments with six Ministers responsible was cumbersome and really could not possibly be effective in all areas. After looking at the six sectoral plans, I admit that I agree with them. No one wants to revisit the Disability Act 2005 at this stage, given that we waited so long for it and it is such detailed legislation. The Labour Party, in Government, will alter one element of the Disability Act 2005, that is, the Title, which will result in a free-flow consequence that it will not be resource dependent. We will guarantee, by right, services to people with disabilities. That needs to be said clearly.
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