Dáil debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2006

4:00 pm

Photo of Denis NaughtenDenis Naughten (Longford-Roscommon, Fine Gael)

Does the Minister of State agree that we are falling dismally short of the target of 20,000 hectares per annum? The estimated average for the 2005-06 planting season is 7,000 hectares. In light of that fact, rather than just considering an increase in the premium, will it come about? The premium has not been increased since 2000, even though costs have gone up dramatically.

Will the Minister of State also look at integrating forestry grants and the REP scheme? Farmers in the REPS at the moment are at a disadvantage in planting and there is a long delay in the payment of grants and premia. This is an issue within the ambit of the Minister of State and her Department.

Will a guarantee be given to the House that it will not take as long in future to pay grants and premia? Will the Minister of State also deal with the company responsible for digitisation of maps to ensure the issue is dealt with quickly? There is currently a delay of four months with that. There are practical steps the Minister of State can take to achieve the target and I ask that these be taken. Additionally, what target will be set for 2007?


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