Dáil debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2006

3:00 pm

Photo of Trevor SargentTrevor Sargent (Dublin North, Green Party)

I welcome the Minister of State's reply. I wish to tie this question in with the previous question, as there is a considerable energy issue related to forestry as well as the other aspects the Minister mentioned. The Minister of State advised me in July that forestry premiums were under review. Notwithstanding what she indicated in her reply in this respect, and I can understand the reason she would paint as positive a picture as possible, given that forestry premiums have not risen in the past six years, is it intended to increase those premiums? A 40% increase is what is perceived would be a fair increase. I will meet representatives of the IFA tomorrow, as no doubt will other Members, to discuss the pre-budget submissions. Therefore, it would be useful to know if the Minister of State is thinking of introducing such an increase. As she said, land prices are increasing and many issues need to be dealt with separately in that context, the Kenny report being only one of them. Does the Minister of State intend to increase premiums in light of those other increases in costs, which make it difficult for many farmers to engage in forestry production?

The Minister of State referred to introducing a new forestry programme. Will she assure us she will not simply reduce the target of 20,000 hectares per annum, given that it is not being reached and call that level the new target, or will she be a little more ambitious and recognise that forestry needs to play a more central role in this country for all sorts of reasons?

While there has been much discussion on monopolies, Balcas in Fermanagh is the only company supplying wood pellets. In the interests of ensuring competition, is there not a need to develop the forestry industry to ensure there is more than one supplier of wood pellets, which is an increasingly important fuel source?

The European Commission contracted the Department of Agriculture and Food last February to warn of a possible legal action against Ireland due to neglect of environmental aspects of forestry policy. Has the European Commission contacted the Department since concerning the issue and, if so, what was the Department's reply?


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