Dáil debates

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

7:00 pm

Photo of Paul Connaughton  SnrPaul Connaughton Snr (Galway East, Fine Gael)

I do not accept that. This case concerns the person lying on his or her back in a nursing home anywhere in Ireland. Nothing else counts. It all depends on the quality of care for that person. Nothing else matters if the appropriate care is not given to a person who lies on his or her back for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of his or her life. They are the people whom we are here to protect. Over the years we decried what happened in industrial schools. It was a dark age but we said people did not understand. The statutory authorities responsible for inspections did not carry them out. In this modern age we are in the same position again. I have said many times that for inspections of nursing homes we need a flying squad mentality. Inspectors should be able to strike at any time, day or night, any week of the year. If there is nothing wrong nobody should object.

Can the Minister of State imagine the suspicion that has been aroused by the failure to bring the O'Neill report before the House? I have no idea what is wrong with it but a great number of elderly people are beginning to wonder what it was that Professor O'Neill said about Leas Cross that prevented it being brought onto the floor of this House and made public.


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