Dáil debates

Thursday, 18 May 2006

5:00 pm

Photo of Pat GallagherPat Gallagher (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)

I am aware of the concerns of local people about developments at Weston Aerodrome. However, I must deal with the facts and address this issue primarily from a transport perspective and, in particular, from a safety perspective.

It is not appropriate to say the Irish Aviation Authority, the Department of Defence and Weston Limited have combined to consider this matter. These are three separate bodies with very different roles. Weston Limited, as the owner of the aerodrome, is fully entitled to make proposals to the Irish Aviation Authority concerning the regulation of airspace at the aerodrome. The Department of Defence has an interest in the matter because of the close proximity of Baldonnel Aerodrome to Weston and the need to ensure the safe management of flying at both aerodromes.

The Irish Aviation Authority is the body responsible for issuing aerodrome licences and is responsible for the regulation of safety at civilian aerodromes and the general safety and efficiency of aviation in this country. The authority deals with these matters independently in accordance with its statutory mandate. As the statutory body responsible for airspace design, the authority received the airspace change proposal from Weston Limited. The proposal requested a change in the airspace from class G to class C. I understand the basis of the application is that it would enhance safety in the airspace involved. The classification of airspace as class C requires permission for entry from air traffic control and, when operating within such airspace, all flights are subject to air traffic control.

The airspace change proposal was developed by Weston Aerodrome. In its role as safety regulator, the authority facilitated discussion between the various air traffic services in the Dublin area and dealt with queries and other matters in connection with the application. This is a normal feature of the authority's role to ensure that the highest standards of aviation safety are achieved. The Irish Aviation Authority has recently completed public consultations in respect of this proposal. It is not legally obliged to consult on airspace changes but it considered it appropriate to do so on this occasion in the interests of transparency.

I understand the matter received wide publicity in the media and that a large number of submissions were received on foot of these public consultations, including from local residents' interests. The IAA is currently assessing and considering the content of the submissions received. Whatever decision it may take in respect of the airspace change proposal, it will not relieve Weston from complying with the full range of planning requirements.

South Dublin County Council and Kildare County Council are responsible for land use and planning at and in the vicinity of Weston. Planning decisions take account of the nature and extent of operations at the aerodrome and their impact, including noise, in the locality. Environment impact statements are also part of the planning process administered by the local authorities. My Department has no statutory role in any of these areas.


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