Dáil debates

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Adjournment Debate Matters.


2:30 pm

Séamus Pattison (Carlow-Kilkenny, Labour)

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Lynch — the Minister's plans to resolve the problems facing parents of students attending or hoping to attend Coláiste an Chroí Naofa, Carraig na bhFear, County Cork; (2) Deputy Perry — the Minister's views on the decision by SP Wine Produces Limited to close its plant at Easkey, County Sligo, with the consequent loss of 31 jobs; (3) Deputy O'Dowd -the Minister's views on the decision of the Health Service Executive to close Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda; (4) Deputy Ring — to ask the Minister to provide the funding for a proposed day care centre in Westport, County Mayo; (5) Deputy O'Sullivan — the need for the Minister to make further additions to the Schedule of the Residential Institutions Redress Act; (6) Deputy Cowley — to ask if the Minister still intends to proceed with the Corrib gas pipeline in the light of the findings of the recent Advantica report; (7) Deputy Michael Moynihan — the Minister's views on transport for rural Ireland, in particular the Charleville area, in light of the recent decision of Iarnród Éireann to discontinue two stops there; (8) Deputy Ned O'Keeffe — the Minister's views on the strike at Dairygold Co-operative Society Limited by employees and the reason this dispute cannot be resolved; (9) Deputy Stanton — to ask the Minister about an offer made by a developer to supply a site and build a new school free of charge; and (10) Deputy McGinley — the Minister's views on the need for an extension of and repair works to scoil náisiúnta an Choimín, County Donegal.

The matters raised by Deputies Ring, Ned O'Keeffe, O'Sullivan and Stanton have been selected for discussion.


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