Dáil debates

Tuesday, 17 May 2005

2:30 pm

Photo of Michael McDowellMichael McDowell (Dublin South East, Progressive Democrats)

If the Deputy has information that money I or my predecessor expended is ultimately going to criminal or paramilitary beneficiaries, I would like to receive it. I will act immediately on foot of such information and try to confirm it. If confirmed, I would take every step to get the CAB to recover such moneys. The House is not the place to discuss these matters but if the Deputy comes to me privately, I assure him I will act with total expedition.

A number of properties are involved, including the hotel in Rosslare. There was a significant flow of people from France to Ireland because Garda immigration officers were not operating at Cherbourg or on Irish-bound ferries and the reason the hotel was purchased was it was the nearest accommodation point that could be thought of at the time. There was a strong local reaction, including threats of unlawful picketing, which made it difficult to operate that premises.

I refer to two other properties — Broc House in my constituency and Kilkenny. Recent publicity about them totally ignored legal challenges that were brought in the courts and injunctions sought to prevent the use of these premises to house asylum seekers. The proceedings relating to Broc House in Donnybrook only concluded recently and, since then, the property has been the subject of negotiation to put it into the health system so that it can be used in conjunction with St. Vincent's Hospital by the Health Service Executive.


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