Dáil debates

Wednesday, 11 May 2005

Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed).


12:00 pm

Photo of Éamon Ó CuívÉamon Ó Cuív (Galway West, Fianna Fail)

I am serious about this point. The Deputy's amendment proposes the members are appointed by the Minister following consultation with organisations that the Minister considers to be representative of the purposes so specified. It proposes the Minister makes the appointment, he must consult but he decides with whom he will consult.

I accept that what I have inserted in the Bill was a change brought in on Committee Stage in the Seanad and therefore there was not time to reflect on it. My proposal is that they are appointed following consideration by the Minister of any submissions received in response to a published notice indicating that appointments will be made to the board and inviting recommendations relating to those appointments. The mechanics are the same in that they are all appointed by the Minister and the only difference between us is that I propose putting an advertisement in the newspapers and any body who regards itself as representative of the interests involved can send in a submission. I do not choose which organisations those are. The Deputy's amendment is giving the Minister the power to choose the nominating organisations and to exclude those he does not favour. I propose putting an advertisement in the newspapers and any relevant organisation, whether I like it or not can nominate. My proposal gives much more power to organisations than does the Deputy's amendment which will constrain it to the Minister's choice of organisation. Does the Deputy understand me?

I know this is not what was intended. I guessed the amendment was originally drafted before my provision was inserted in the Bill which was drafted on the Seanad version of the Bill. The Deputy's amendment would hand more power back to the Minister to allow him nominate the organisations.


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