Dáil debates

Tuesday, 1 March 2005

Adjournment Debate Matters.


4:00 pm

Séamus Pattison (Carlow-Kilkenny, Labour)

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy James Breen — to ask the Minister if she will provide facilities at one of the schools in Ennis for children and teenagers suffering from autism; (2) Deputy Eamon Ryan — to ask the Minister how he intends to decide on the appropriate level for the wild salmon catch for 2005 given the conflicting scientific advice he has received; (3) Deputy Naughten — the need for the Minister to outline his plans for a hard shoulder on the N5 west of Scramoge, County Roscommon; (4) Deputy Gormley — to discuss the erection of a mobile phone mast on the roof of the OPW buildings in Rathmines close to a school; (5) Deputy O'Shea — the need for a university in Waterford; (6) Deputy Cowley — if the Minister will carry out an independent quantified risk assessment on the upstream pipeline at the Corrib gas field pipeline at Rossport, County Mayo; and (7) Deputy Paul McGrath — the need for the Minister to provide the necessary funds to complete phase 2b of Mullingar General Hospital.

The matters raised by Deputies Paul McGrath, Gormley, James Breen, and O'Shea have been selected for discussion.


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