Dáil debates

Tuesday, 1 March 2005

3:00 pm

Photo of Willie O'DeaWillie O'Dea (Limerick East, Fianna Fail)

A number of educational programmes are undertaken in the Defence Forces in regard to international humanitarian law. The military authorities advise that the position is as follows. Lectures on international humanitarian law are conducted by legal officers on all basic officers courses in the Military College. In addition, a day-long seminar on international humanitarian law is conducted for the command and staff course. Non-commissioned officers and privates are instructed on the fundamental rules of international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts regarding the protection of war victims.

Since the 1970s, legal and line officers of the Permanent Defence Force have attended the international military course on the law of armed conflict at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo in Italy. A number of line officers and many legal officers have now completed this course. Since 1990, the Defence Forces have made PDF legal officers available from time to time to conduct courses provided at the institute.

All officers and senior NCOs proceeding to overseas peace support missions receive briefings at the United Nations Training School in the Curragh on international humanitarian law and human rights.


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