Dáil debates

Tuesday, 1 March 2005

3:00 pm

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin North Central, Independent)

I thank the Minister for his response. Is he aware of the serious allegations by members of the Defence Forces that bullying is widespread? Is he aware of the recent serious allegations of bullying and intimidation by members of the Defence Forces, particularly against female soldiers? These allegations must be confronted. Citizens do not want a cover-up on this issue. What exactly is the role of senior officers in these cases? Is the Minister aware of the suffering of junior members, particularly female members, of the Defence Forces? It is a nightmare for many of them, especially for those who wish to serve in the Defence Forces in the future.

Does the Minister now accept the need for an independent inquiry to deal with bullying in the Defence Forces? Is it good enough to have cases of intimidation, bullying and abuse in the Army being investigated by the Defence Forces? I welcome the establishment of the independent monitoring group. What is its composition? There cannot be a cover-up of bullying in the Defence Forces. Is the Minister aware that these cases of bullying and intimidation will discourage young people from joining the Defence Forces in future? Many of them wish to serve at United Nations level. I put particular emphasis on female soldiers who wish to have a career in the Defence Forces. These allegations are doing serious damage to the Army. Will the Minister act immediately on these matters?


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